A Summer of Memories in a Weekend.
(Scroll down to see who is already enrolled!)
Yes! We will assign cabins based on your Juniper summer so you can get the full camp experience living in a cabin with your childhood bunk mates. No counselors on duty, so you’re in charge of lights out, wake up and clean up times ;-)
(If you prefer to bunk with a different age group, just let us know!)
We can supply them or you may bring your own. This is a question we will ask you ahead of time so that we can prepare for your arrival. If you bring your own, plan for a twin size bed.
We do hope to host a Mother/Daughter weekend in the future, but this is an adult only event. The requirement is that you are old enough to be a counselor at Robindel: This means you are 18 years old (Juniper 2021 age or older).
We are not providing transporation to camp but if you are coming from within driving distance and looking for a ride, we are happy to help match you up with somebody who is driving. Once you register for the reunion we will ask you to complete a form, and you can let us know in the form if you’re looking for a ride.
If you are planning to fly, the nearest airport is Manchester, NH which is 1 hour and 20 minutes from camp. Boston has more direct flight options and is 2 hours and 20 minutes from camp. There is plenty of space to park a car at camp.
We know that this is challenging! Hopefully your child loves camp as much as you did and understands your desire to return to your summer home for just a couple of special days. Last time we hosted a reunion, many Moms did a quick hi and bye (that reunion started the same day that camp ended!) and it worked out OK! Kids tend to come home from camp feeling pretty tired, happy to snuggle in at home and see friends. You’ll be home by Sunday afternoon!
Does it help to know that we have brand new mattresses throughout camp? They are real mattresses with support, not the ones that make you wonder if you’re in a taco.
If you decide to stay off site, we understand. We will provide you with a schedule of the weekend so you can be sure that you don’t miss out on anything! The cost remains the same whether you stay on camp, or off site.
Yes! We will collect dietary and allergy information and make sure to have plenty of options available. If you are ever worried, we encourage you to check in with our chef before each meal. He will make sure you’re taken care of!
Yes! If you attend the reunion we will be giving you some special CR swag, but there will also be an online store (coming soon) with an assortment of Robindel items. You can order those ahead of time to be delivered to your home.
Yes of course. We will even give you a postcard so you can have it ready to trade in at canteen!
We understand that life happens! If you cancel before December 1 we will refund any money paid.
Email Cori: cori@robindel.com
(as of March 27)
Abrams Jordyn
Adelson Alexandra
Adelson Caroline
Adler Jamie
Allen (Oleet) Jo
Altman Abby
Altman Lily
Altman Jessica
Ashkenazi Nina
Aussenberg (Schlansky) Dana
Bachmann (Katz) Haley
Bagliebter Michelle
Bamel Lauren
Barenholtz Ali
Barishman (Kamens) Ilana
Berkin (Berman) Rachel
Berman Madison
Bersh Amy
Berzow Cyndi
Bilchik Lindsay
Bilski Amanda
Blotner Melissa
Blotner Sabrina
Boyle (Gindin) Molly
Brawer Patricia
Brodlieb (Winkelman) Taryn
Brooks Hayley
Brown (Satnick) Jamie
Budasoff Alana
Capon (Cantor) Lori
Cerwin Kate
Chmelik Jeanne
Cohen (Bronstein) Lauryn
Cohen Avia
Cohen Sorelle
Collier Bess
Collier Lauren
Comito Sammie
Cooney Jessica
Davidson (Jasper) Hilary
DeBotton Dani
DeBotton Claudia
Decter Stacey
Divilek Sophie
Dossick Carly
Dragutsky Lauren
Dweck Nicole
Edelman (Mendell) Nikki
Eichner Emily
Eisner Danni
Elkin (Leber) Abby
Elkman Mollie
Engler Tori
Farber (Gurkoff) Genna
Feinstein Samantha
Field Jillian
Field Stephanie
Fingeret Margo
Finkelman Carly
Fisher Ally
Fisher Lauren
Frank (Satnick) Robyn
Frankel (Horowitz) Melissa
Freling (Kestenbaum) Dara
Friend (Pries) Jennie
Gable Becca
Gable Sami
Garcia (Miller) Dani
Garret (Gary & Family)
Gaviser Sydney
Gelb (Kaminsky) Taylor
Gendal Karen
Genet (Jacobson) Jessica
Gerstein Haley
Getreu Miranda
Getreu Rachael
Gindin Jen
Glickman Hallie
Goldberg (Steinberg) Erin
Goldberg Madison
Golden Dani
Gordon Gena
Gordon Samantha
Gottlieb Cami
Gottlieb Jordan
Gottlieb Kaitlin
Gottlieb Marisa
Gottlieb (Luski) Stephanie
Gottlieb Zoe
Governski (Conant) Meryl
Graham (Kriegman) Katie
Greenspan Julia
Gural Barbara
Haas Casey
Haas Morgan
Halperin Emily
Halpern Kylie
Hamos Leah
Handy (Kestenbaum) Lori
Hart Jess
Hausman (Savett) Lauren
Hochhauser Emily
Hopmeyer Jax
Horn Julia
Horne Rachel
Horowitz Carly
Hudak (Meyer) Sabrina
Jacobs Hailey
Jeselson Grace
Johnson Charlotte
Josephart (Green) Marnie
Kaminsky Katie
Kaplan (Einhorn) Lindsay
Kaplan Lizzy
Kapnek Alex
Karlin (Rose) Alison
Karotkin Liza
Katz Zoe
Kay Becky
Kay Emily
Kay Lisa
Kaye Jackie
Kaye Pamela
Kermanian (Brandeis) Marisa
Knighten (Green) Jen
Koffler Lauren
Konsker Carly
Kowalke Caitlin
Kramer (Fuchs) Monica
Kurstedt Rosanne
Lapalme (Rosen) Sam
Lefenfeld (Einhorn) Jessica
Leffler Kate
Lehroff Jamie
Lehrhoff Samantha
Lehrhoff Sari
Lerman Emily
Lerner Hili
Levey Ruby
Levine Ali
Levick Meredith
Levitin (Wenig) Samantha
Lieber (Weingarten) Jessica
Lieberman (Grossman) Hayley
Liss Alix
Lizzio Remi
London Sammy
Luski Samantha
Lutz (Kirby) Chelsea
Madden (Greene) Emily
Mahler Debi
Mandel (Potolsky) Alyssa
Manket Cara
Manket Michelle
Marcus Janie
Marcus Lauree
Marlowe Maxine
Massarsky (Feldesman) Jessica
Matis Nancy
Meer (Glickman) Melanie
Mehrberg Jill
Melnick Alexis
Milberg Amanda
Milch Julia
Miller Melissa
Miller Zoe
Minster Kelly
Minster Mal
Mitchell Hallie
Mozes (Perilstein) Julie
Nathanson Alison
Neiman (Lieberman) Dara
Neisloss Julia
Neisloss Kate
Nelson Ariel
Nelson Sydney
Norman Calle
Och Ali
Page Allie
Panken Emmy
Paul Jeni
Payette Judy
Pearson (Savitt) Barbara
Pearson Ginger
Pittel Samantha
Polakoff Jules
Pratt (Horowitz) Ali
Princer Lindsay
Radom (Witt) Jara
Rashes Emma
Raxenberg (Felderman) Emily
Rayfield Aliza
Reagan (Blumenthal) Emily
Regan Andie
Reynolds Trish
Rich (Tifford) Melissa
Richman Emily
Ringel Julie Rae
Robinson Andrew
Robinson Eric
Robinson Evan
Rosen (Lazarus) Ali
Ross Dylan
Rothenberg Sydney
Rothstein Eliza
Rubin (Rosen) Alexandra
Rubin Caitlin
Rush Olivia
Salsberg Juliet
Samuels Bennett
Sandler Jordyn
Schaeffer Cameron
Schefrin Carly
Scherr Julie
Schimel (Nahmad) Val
Schlanger (Meyer) Merritt
Schnapp Chelsea
Schnapp Sabrina
Schneider Rebecca
Schulman Andrea
Schweiger Liv
Sedlin Faith
Segal Carly
Senders (Gural) Jane
Shapiro (Sigman) Jayme
Shaulson Ariel
Sherman Rachel
Shore Aly
Shteinhauz (Josephson) Emily
Shulman Mindy
Shyer (Brody) Kim
Siber (Drew) Sarah
Siegal Lisa
Siegel Cassie
Silberfein Tori
Silberzweig Bebe
Simpson Adrienne
Skinder Ali
Sklar Becca
Smith Phoebe
Smith Sarah
Sobel Stephanie
Some Alyssa
Spar Phoebe
Spinnell Sophie
Statman Olivia
Sterling (Mandelbaum) Lani
Sussman Cori
Sventitsky Nina
Tick Kelly
Tick Tobey
Thurm Samantha
Tucker Zoe
Ulan Melissa
Wachler (Kay) Jessica
Wachs Sloane
Wasser Caryn
Wasser Maddie
Wasserman (Blum) Nancy
Weber Ellen
Weinreb (Guadagno) Emily
Weinstein Lexi
Welles (Ayre) Melissa
Wentz (Oleet) Lauren
Widder Jessie
Wilkes Bree
Winkelman Jaime
Wohlstadter Erica
Wolchok Marni
Wolf Staci
Zarrilli Amanda
Zarrilli Jordan
Zehngebot Corey
Zingler Gillian
Zuckerwise Gail
Zuckerwise Lisa